Searching for the corpse of the Corpse Flower, biking through Brooklyn, and falling asleep under a Beach Tree. Stranger interaction #2 with an old man wearing clip ons and sucking on a lollipop. We passed each other on the dirt path of the Japanese Pond Garden and he came back to find me. His NY curiosity found me staring down some plein air painters across the pond- I was trying to project myself into their landscapes- and he asked me about my camera. He related the Civilian Body Cam to his own experiences wearing another type of head cam when he ventures out to the Berkshire Mountains. I mention that I am doing a 30 day experiment wearing the camera in public space in light of our political upheaval. Video B (37:39) He says, "What politics... I can't even pronounce... you know its just overwhelming...” At the end he compliments how the camera headband compliments my hair do. Video B (44:12) I sit behind a plein air painter who stops to look what she has done. I think of the quiet space of the listening angels in the Wenders movie Wings of Desire. I begin to feel invisible. I fail to find the Corpse Flower; they put it away after it passed its rotten bloom. I wonder where they are keeping it? Today is a Millions March in NYC to end police violence. I am thinking about the confrontation that is happening there and my meditation here- they are connected.